asai- A minimal library for delimited continuations.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This module provides an introductory tutorial in the "Introduction" section and beyond, followed by examples. Finally, there's some discussion behind the theory and design of the library, with references.



asai is a minimal library for delimited continuations, a 'slice' of a continuation that can be invoked as a function and composed.

An primer on continuations

Continuations are a well known abstraction for 'picking up where you left off.' When you use call/cc traditionally in something like scheme, you pass it a function f which receives a function k, and when k is invoked you 'call the continuation' and return where call/cc left off. In this sense, k is a reification of the state you were in when you invoked f.

But there is another type of continuation: a delimited one. With delimited continuations, it is possible to exert control over the exact frame of the computation that is captured. By being able to slice just small execution contexts, we can compose delimited continuations very easily.

In the same way that continuations form a monad, so do delimited continuations. This package provides a delimited continuation monad which implements truly polymorphic shift and reset operators, via answer type polymorphism, which allows the results of a delimited computation to vary.

This implementation (using indexed monads) was first implemented by - and this package derived from - Oleg Kiselyov [1]. It directly implements the typing rules of Kenichi Asai's lambda/shift calculus [2], featuring answer type polymorphism and modification.

A general tutorial on delimited continuations in OchaCaml (with code in Haskell and OCaml) from Asai/Kiselyov is available [3]. A more traditional delimited continuation monad is available in the CC-delcont package [4]. The CC-delcont tutorial [5] serves as a basis for this tutorial (thanks to Dan Doel!)


Let us consider the expression:


In the subsequent sections, we'll cover some examples of using this library in a few simple forms, which should form a basis for reasoning about how to use it. The same ideas should apply to other delimited continuation libraries or interfaces (i.e. scheme, ocaml, ochacaml, etc.)

Simple answer-type modification

Basic answer type modification is very simple to demonstrate. Consider that we shift some computation and discard the continuation k. Then the answer type of the enclosing reset changes to the return type of the shifted block. For example:

>>> runDelim $ reset $ shift2 (\_ -> returnI "hello") !>>= \r -> returnI (r + 1)

Here, the initial answer type of the enclosing reset is initially Int, because the return of the reset is Int. However, we use shift2, which changes the answer type by discarding the delimited continuation, and simply returning a String.

On the other hand, it is also clear when the answer type is polymorphic and cannot be changed. Instead consider this example:

>>> :t runDelim $ reset $ shift2 (\k -> returnI k) !>>= \r -> returnI (r + (1::Int))
runDelim $ reset $ shift2 (\k -> returnI k) !>>= \r -> returnI (r + (1::Int))
  :: Int -> Delim s s Int

Here, the answer type is not changed by the call to shift2: the continuation k is not discarded, but returned. This 'carries' the answer type variables with the value, enforcing the input and output answer types are the same. And so if we were to invoke k, then the answer type of the reset may still only be Int: that is the only type of value we may place in the hole left by shift2.

First-class printf

We will now write a simple, typesafe printf function using delimited continuations. The key observation is that when we write a term like:

printf "foo %s bar %d" x y

we are actually filling in holes in place of the %s and %d specifiers. Instead, we can write a type safe formatter that 'fills in' the holes correctly by construction.

Let us first define formatting functions that will properly convert arguments to a String. The trivial one for a String itself is obvious:

str :: String -> String
str = id

We may also write one for Ints:

int :: Int -> String
int = show

We observe that a call to printf is similar to delimiting the computation of the format string argument. So we define printf as:

printf p = reset p

Now we will define a type-safe formatter, that will 'plug' the value into our string properly:

fmt to = shift2 (\k -> returnI (k . to))

When we call fmt, we will abort back to the enclosing reset, returning a function. The function is k . to, which will convert our value to a String and plug it into the enclosing hole that fmt left behind. Now we will define some operators for chaining these function returns, and concatenating the string results:

f $$ x = f !>>= ($ x)
infixl 1 $$

f ^$ g = liftIxM2 (++) f g

run = runDelim

Now, we can write:

test1 :: String
test1 = run $ printf (returnI "hello world!")

And more interestingly:

test2 :: String
test2 = run $ sprintf (fmt int) $$ 1

We may also format multiple arguments in a type safe manner, by concatenating the formatters with ^$ and passing arguments via $$:

test3, test4 :: String

test3 = run $ sprintf (returnI "goodbye " ^$ fmt str ^$ returnI "!") $$ "world"

test4 = run $ sprintf (fmt str ^$ returnI " = " ^$ fmt int) $$ "x" $$ 3

It is an error to pass a value of an incorrect type to the corresponding formatter.

The full code is available in examples/Printf.hs.

Walking binary trees

Here, we will...

[-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-]
module Tree where

import Control.Delimited

-- Binary trees
data Tree a
  = Leaf
  | Node (Tree a) (Tree a) a
  deriving (Show, Eq)

make_tree :: Int -> Tree Int
make_tree j = go j 1
  where go 0 _ = Leaf
        go i x = Node (go (i-1) $ 2*x) (go (i-1) $ 2*x+1) x

tree1 = make_tree 3
tree2 = make_tree 4

-- Coroutines as monadic lists.
data Coro a
  = Done
  | Resume a (forall s. Delim s s (Coro a))

walk_tree x = runDelim (walk_tree' x !>> returnI Done)

walk_tree' Leaf = returnI ()
walk_tree' (Node l r x) =
  walk_tree' l !>>
  yield x      !>>
  walk_tree' r
    yield n = shift2 (\k -> returnI $ Resume n $ k ())

walk1 :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
walk1 t = go (walk_tree t)
    go Done         = return ()
    go (Resume x k) = print x >> go (runDelim k)

The full code is available in examples/Tree.hs.

Other notes

Here we discuss some of the design aspects of the library, particularly for those wondering why we need indexed (or indexed) monads, and how we can reconcile this with do-notation.

Indexed monads

While reading this tutorial, you may wonder why we use special operators (like !>>= that mimmick >>=) for delimited computations, instead of regular operators from the Monad typeclass. The reason for this is that in order to ensure the answer type of delimited computation is polymorphic, we need the monad to 'carry' the answer types around.

Consider the vanilla Monad typeclass. It is defined like this (with explicit kind signatures):

class Monad (m :: * -> *) where ...

The m type constructor abstracts over a single type variable. It is possible to make types with multiple type variables an instance of Monad of course, but their non-abstracted type variables must be fixed. As an example, considering the instance for Either e:

instance Monad (Either e) where ...

Note the type variable e is fixed over the definition of a term of type Either e :: * -> *. If you have something like:

thing :: a -> Either String a
thing a = do

Then in the body we may say:

x <- Left "oh no!"

But we can never say:

x <- Left False

because e is fixed to String. Another example is that the State monad always has a fixed state type, and it may never change over the course of the computation.

Indexed monads solve this problem by 'expanding' the kind of m in the Monad typeclass. The result is IxMonad, which is defined as:

 class IxMonad (m :: * -> * -> * -> *) where
   returnI :: t -> m a a t
   (!>>=)  :: m b g s -> (s -> m a b t) -> m a g t

Note the new type variables: these represent the input and output answer types of a delimited computation. We can see that returnI is fully polymorphic in its answer type: a statement of returnI foo in a Delim simply does not change the answer type at all. Note the answer types present in !>>=: we have an answer type of a b and b g, meaning we can get an overall answer type of a g.

This polymorphism in the definition of !>>= is what gives us answer type polymorphism: it means delimited computations may change the output answer type.

Using do-notation

It's possible to use GHC's RebindableSyntax extension to re-define do notation to use the IxMonad type class.

Begin your module by hiding the regular Monad methods, and then redefine >>= and return. Feel free to redefine other operators too. Here's an example (you'll need to fix the LANGUAGE pragma yourself on the first line, since Haddock eats it otherwise):

[-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-]
module Foo where

import Control.Indexed.Prelude
import Control.Delimited

-- After importing the indexed prelude, we can use do notation

-- Lifting ordinary monads
io1 :: IO ()
io1 = runI $ do
  lift $ putStrLn "hi!"
  lift $ putStrLn "hi!"
  return ()

test1 :: String
test1 = runDelim $ reset $ do
  r <- shift1 (const $ return "hello")
  return (r + 1)
-- This is equivalent to the OchaCaml term:
--   reset (fun () -> 1 + shift (fun _ -> "hello")) ;;

See examples/Simple.hs (included in the distribution) for several more examples.

Rank-2 typing

This package requires GHC's RankNTypes extension, as it uses a rank-2 type for the definition of the shift operators shift2 and shift3. The original implementation by Kiselyov is Haskell98 (he defines shift as the shift1 provided in this package, as opposed to shift2 which matches the typing rules of the lambda/shift calculus.)

Strictly speaking, the rank-2 type is probably not necessary, but it is not very controversial either, and it makes the intent much clearer.

For a lot of cases, you will need to use RankNTypes if you want to abstract over the answer type variables properly (for example, in a recursive data structure.)

Further reading

Lorem ipsum...


  1. Genuine shift\reset in Haskell98, by Kiselyov, on haskell-cafe:
  2. Polymorphic Delimited Continuations, by Asai, Kameyama in APLAS '07:
  3. Introduction to programming with shift and reset, by Kiselyov, Asai, in CW2011:
  4. CC-delcont: Delimited continuations and dynamically scoped variables:
  5. CC-delcont introduction: